Uganda Eco
Satellite City
Kampala, Uganda
Project Facts
Project Area
1,796 acre
727 hectare
Rendered Services
Uganda Eco-Satellite City is the city of the future. Planned to meet the many urban challenges a developing Uganda nation is facing today, the city promotes livability and sustainability in every aspect of its master plan
Strategically located between Kampala district and Wakiso district, the new eco satellite city is positioned to act as a new centre that support the growth aspiration for a prosperous nation.
The new satellite city presents itself as an extension of the Kampala metropolitan that provides an opportunity to create a livable and sustainable communities.
The new satellite city is positioned to complement the growth of Kampala and Entebbe to create a strong metropolitan of city region where the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) is to achieve a pace and quality of growth that meets population needs. The eco-satellite city will be a catalytic growth centre that provides employment, housing, recreational open spaces, infrastructure and community facilities that set a new standard of urban development for Uganda.
The master plan has been designed to provide for diversity and integration of activities, where new standards are introduced to position the new city as a global city that is conscious of the future challenges of urban living.
The development is also tailored to meet the unique site’s contextual setting and is designed to co-exist with its natural environment, contribute towards the social well-being of its communities and enhances the local economies.
In meeting the vision to be an eco-satellite city, a cohesive and well thought master plan is prepared with high regards for sustainability. The master plan provides a synergy to become a model city where economic development, environmental protection, technological application, social and cultural preservation and adaptation are planned in one urban space and complementing one another.