CDP Malaysia Vision Valley
Competitive, Inclusive & Clean
Project Facts
Superglade Sdn. Bhd.
Malaysia Vision Valley
Rendered Services
Comprehensive Development Plan
A World Class Metropolis That Is Competitive,
Inclusive and Clean
Malaysia Vision Valley (MVV) Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 2016-2045 is a document prepared to consolidate spatial, economic and social aspects of the area to ensure comprehensive and holistic planning and development of the region. The development framework in this CDP is to be adopted and detailed out in the next level of planning, within the context of development plans of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172) and the detailed master planning of respective development implementation.
The MVV CDP, being a regional planning document, identifies regional outcomes and initiatives needed for MVV to grow and be developed in a sustainable and resilient manner. As a regional plan, the CDP bridges the translation of national and state level policies and aspirations to a detail that is of a regional importance and subsequently providing framework for localised translation and implementation. Whilst the CDP provides the link between state structure plan and district level local plans, it is however not prepared under the Act 172. However, its acceptance, endorsement and usage is through the approval process of the Negeri Sembilan State Planning Committee (SPC).